About Us
Welcome to the Probus Club of White Rock and South Surrey where retired men from any professional, business, executive or similar background meet monthly for fellowship. The meetings are centered around an outside speaker followed by a lunch at a nearby restaurant and are an ideal way to stay connected with like minded individuals from all walks of life. Frequent social, cultural, sport and entertainment activities are organized by and for the membership. New members are always welcome .
The first Probus Club was formed in Caterham England in 1965 and has since spread throughout the world, to New Zealand in 1974, Australia in 1976 and Canada in 1987. Worldwide there are approximately 4000 Probus Clubs with over 300,000 members. The White Rock and South Surrey Club being the second formed in Canada in September 1987. For more detail on Probus history click here.
The Club is non political, non sectarian and does not engage in fund raising . It's constitution, rules and regulations are governed by the parent organization Probus Canada.
The name PROBUS was derived from the words PROfessional and BUSiness.
For an information pamphlet on Probus WRSS click this link
If you would like to join us, complete the contact form below and we will contact you to answer your questions or Click this link to download an Application Form.
Click this link to view the Club's Constitution
​Click this link to view the Club's Bylaws
Click this link to view the Club's Policy Guidelines
To visit the PROBUS Canada Website click this link