Discussion Group

The Probus IDG brings together Probus members who have an interest in managing money and understanding investments – primarily cash, stocks, bonds, and real estate.
The IDG meets the third Tuesday of every month at 10:00am. Coffee and donuts make the conversations easy, friendly, and educational.
This group will be of particular interest to those who manage their own investments. Sharing our collective knowledge with each other is the cornerstone of the IDG.
Current macroeconomic and investment conditions are discussed as well as Hypothetical RIF and TFSA portfolios reviewed and analyzed. Individual asset Buy Sell and Hold discussions follow as does an educational segment.
Group discussion leaders include Gerry Burns, Damon Bowman, and Ken Maycock.
Over the last several years, our group earned excellent “gold medal’ returns on our hypothetical portfolios, easily outperforming our benchmarks.
If you have an interest and wish to join the IDG, please contact Al Zemrau, Coordinator.
Cheers ,
Al Zemrau, Coordinator
Probus Investment Discussion Group